Fri 21 Oct 2022
Reading time: (~ mins)
"Rules enable you and your players to have fun at the table.
The rules serve you, not vice versa"(DMG pg.235)
I've been sucked into the OSR(old school revival) scene after fawning over the delicate simplicity of B/X rules which I never actually grew up playing. They seemed to cut out all the cruft and the pointless rolls that made 5e feel like molasses.
Obviously 5e is bad and
the followers of OSR
are enlightened. This is a common sentiment I've also expressed myself, lamenting:
"I love how easy it is to run < INSERT FAVOURITE OSR SYSTEM > compared to 5e!".
I went back to find out where 5e went so wrong but was suprised. The truth is 5e was OSR all along! Take a deep breath and hold on to those wallets, we don't have to go and buy the lastest OSR hot book now to find happiness.
Here's how to run 5e as an OSR-like by using the rules from the DMG(in-order of appearance):
5E can be tamed under it's own weight to become a rules-light system with serious combat crunch(I intentionally am not witch-hunting the PHB in this post). Let's go a few steps further, HERETICAL suggestions to follow(in no particular order):
Luth Marsk Human Level 1 Sorcerer Lawful Good Entertainer STR +3 | DEX +3 | WIL +3 SAVE PROF: WIL PROF +2 | AC 13 HP 5 | HD d6+3 EQUIP | Slots: 13 Dagger(2) (d4+3) Crossbow(20 bolts) (d8+3) Bagpipes Costume Belt Pouch Component pouch Explorer's pack Love letter 15g SPELLS | DC 13 | Slots: { 0: ∞, 1: 2 } Prestidigitation(0) Friends(0) Message(0) Fire Bolt(0) Charm Person(1) Burning Hands(1)
BACKGROUND I work hard so that I can play hard when the work is done. I always try to help those in need, no matter the personal cost. The birthmark on my forehead marks me as the resolution of an ancient prophecy of my people. I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones. SPECIALS By Popular Demand: Always find a place to perform and receive free lodging/food of a modest/comfortable standard, as long as you perform each night. Your performance also makes you something of a local figure. Draconic Ancestor: Brass. Know 'Draconic'. PROFx2 on CHA check with dragons. Draconic Resilience: Your HP MAX +1. +1 when you gain a sorcerer level. AC equals 13+DEX when not wearing armor.
At the end of the day, does anyone want to play with this "system". Most likely not, as there are systems built from smaller foundations that do the work without all the other cruft. Lots of love to all the TTRPG fans who take a momenent to consider what OSR means to them.
EDIT: Took out some potentially snarky wording, not trying to tell people this is the right way or the way things ought to be.
EDIT 2: A few more suggestions from readers to include are Slow Natural Healing(DMG pg.267) and Lingering Injuries(DMG pg.272).
Enjoy :)